
We are committed to making the right match for you and can add you to the waitlist.

Please complete the waitlist form, indicating your exact specifications for your kitten, as requested on the form.

How the waiting list works:

  • Waitlist fee: $1000 - non-refundable 

    • This fee will be applied toward the purchase price of the kitten.

    • To secure your spot on our waitlist, kindly Paynow the deposit to our company UEN: 202224170C.

  • Specific Litter Waitlist:

    • Placement on the waitlist is for a particular litter.

    • If you choose not to select a kitten from your assigned litter, you may opt to join the queue for another litter.

    Breed Change:

    • If you are on the waitlist for one breed and later decide to switch to another breed, and if no suitable kitten is available, you will be placed at the end of the new waiting list.

Our waitlist refund policy

  • We reserve the right to remove you from the waitlist at any time and refund you the waitlist fee if we feel you are not a suitable match for our kittens.

  • Please note that the fee is non-refundable and will be retained until a match is made.