What is internal and external deworming for cats?

Internal deworming in cats refers to the use of medications, typically oral, to control parasites that live inside the cat's body, such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. These parasites can cause various cat health problems, including diarrhoea, vomiting, weight loss, and anaemia.

External deworming in cats refers to using medications, typically topical, to control parasites that live on or in the skin and fur of the cat, such as fleas, ticks, lice, and mites.

Both internal and external deworming are essential parts of a cat's preventive healthcare plan, as they can help prevent infestations of parasites and the associated health problems they can cause. Your veterinarian can recommend an appropriate deworming protocol based on your cat's needs and risk factors. In general, kittens require more frequent deworming than adult cats, and outdoor cats will require more frequent deworming than indoor cats.

We conduct monthly external deworming for all our adult cats and kittens using products such as Advocate & Revolution. As for internal deworming, we start a 5-day internal deworming course with fenbendazole syrup beginning on the 42nd, 60th, 78th, 96th and 128th day from the birth of the kitten and every 3 months for our adult cats.


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